Hengshui Loveshine trading co. ,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Zinc Bacitracin Premix(10% Powder)
CAS No: 1405-89-6
Product Type: Food and feed additives -> Feed additives
Product spec: 10% Powder
Packing: 25kg WPP Bags (18tons/FCL)
Post Time: 2012-01-16
Usage: Yellow powder or light coffee color, odorless, taste.Insoluble in water, methanol, acetone, and ether.Antibiotic drug, which has a bactericidal effect on gram-positive bacteria and part of gram-negative bacteria as well as growth-promotion on cattle, pig and poultry.
Description: CAS No.:1405-89-6 Hs code:29419090 Appearence: Faint yellow or brown-yellow powder Identification: Ninhydrin reaction demonstrates dark violet color Loss on drying: ≤8.0% Particle size (No. 2 mesh sieves):100% Zinc Content: 4-10% PH: 5.5-7.5 Bacitracin Units:90%-110%
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