Hengshui Loveshine trading co. ,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Zinc Bacitracin Premix(15% Granular)
CAS No: 1405-89-6
Product Type: Food and feed additives -> Feed additives
Product spec: 15% Granular
Packing: 25kg WPP Bags (17tons/FCL)
Post Time: 2012-01-16
Usage: Function: a. Inhibiting cytomemtranes synthesis and hindering the process of dephasphorization so as to affect phosphatide function and cell''s transmission of mucopeptide compound. b. Inhibiting protoplasmic function and integrating protoplasm with cytomembrane so as to canes the discharge of various ions, amino acids, pyridines and purines in the cell. Usage: Mixing feed. For 1,000 kg forage, we recommend to add the amount as following:
Description: CAS No.:1405-89-6 Hs code:29419090 Appearence: Faint yellow or brown-yellow granular Identification: Ninhydrin reaction demonstrates dark violet color Molecular Weight: 1486.07 Loss on drying: ≤8.0% Particle size (No. 2 mesh sieves):100% Zinc Content: 4-10% PH: 5.5-7.5 Bacitracin Units:90%-110% Usage&Dosage: Mixed feed Storage: Kept in an airtight, cool and dry plac..
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